Basic Fall Pieces for the Littles

Hi friends! It's finally starting to feel like fall weather here {central IL}, and I'm loving it! These cooler days have me dreaming of bonfires, pumpkin patches, and more!
This time of year I like to find myself a few new staple wardrobe pieces, so of course I love doing the same for my kiddos. I'm all about cute basic pieces, especially when they are super affordable. Kiddos tend to be veryyyyy rough on their clothing, so I'm all about finding great quality pieces, but not spending a fortune.
I recently made a trip to Old Navy, and I found so many great pieces for my little ones! I snagged a few bodysuits for my little guy {this striped one is on sale for under $5!}, and adorable leggings for my daughter {for only $6!}... These mustard yellow leggings and striped babes were a MUST.
I'm sharing my favorite fall pieces below for the little ones. These are perfect for you to mix and match with their wardrobe... Grab a coffee and come shop with me!
-Thee Girl in Yellow, Kasey