Back To School

Hi friends! I cannot believe it's already time to start thinking about
back to school for the kiddos, but here we are! This summer has just FLOWN by. I'm a little salty about it too. I've loved having the kiddos home this summer... no remote school, no online learning, just the kiddos and mommy enjoying all of the summer activities and fun together!
I just can't believe Karsyn is heading into first grade and Griffin will be starting preschool. I'm so sappy about the kids starting school every year... but this is Griff's first year EVER. My mama heart can barely take it! Mommy life... I thought I would go ahead and share a few back to school finds with you while they are in stock. I love making the kiddos' a little goodie bag filled with a few special things before their first big day of school. I love trying to make it extra special for them {not by spending a lot of money, but by finding a few little things which I know they will love!}... I'll also be adding these sweet little tees I'm having made for the kiddos. I'll share them as soon as they arrive!
A few things I snagged for the kiddos back-to-school goodie bag:
I grabbed these alphabet jammies because hello, how could I not?! Under $10 too! from Old Navy.
I love these little $4 back to school books from Amazon.
I found these ruler slap bracelets for $3 at Target. The kids LOVE these.
I grabbed this little dinosaur critter box for Griff from Potter Barn Kids. I thought he could use it as a mini lunchbox or keep pencils/markers in it.
Crayon bandaids:: because kiddos love bandaids! From the Target dollar spot.
And I snagged the sweetest little Hello Kitty kiddo perfume for Karsyn from Zara... She's just going to love it.
I hope everyone has a great school year! It's so bittersweet gearing up to send the kiddos back to school. My mama heart!
Happy Monday, friends!
-Thee Girl in Yellow, Kasey