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Christmas Books for the Littles

Hi friends! I'm back from our weekend getaway to Colorado, and absolutely loved Breckenridge! We did some sight-seeing in a few nearby towns too, which the everywhere is so gorgeous and woodsy! I'll be sharing a travel guide soon on the blog, so stay tuned!... But I'm back to the real world this week, and happy to be home. With Christmas just around the corner, I've busted out our festive Christmas books, and my husband and I have been reading them to our sweet daughter. I love this tradition! This time of year is so exciting with little ones not only because of adorable stockings, fun presents, and celebrating Jesus, but I love Christmas for creating and keeping traditions. One tradition we started last year with our daughter was to buy her a Christmas book. We're keeping this tradition going and I've snagged another festive holiday book for her! I like giving the book to her earlier in December so we can enjoy reading it together leading all the way up to Christmas. I thought I would share a few of my favorite holiday books below, all are at a great price and would be a great tradition to start with your family or stocking stuffer to give!

Nigh Before Christmas: Pottery Barn Kids

Christmas Santa Book: Pottery Barn Kids

The Grinch: HERE!

Madeline's Christmas: Saks

Christmas Book Set: The Land of Nod

Duck & Goose: Buy Buy Baby


-Thee Girl in Yellow, Kasey

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