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Hello New Home for 'Thee Girl in Yellow!

It's official! The new website for 'Thee Girl in Yellow' is up and running! I'm so happy I could cry, not really, but you get the point. Other than having a baby, this is my baby! It may have taken me a little longer than anticipated due to life (aka: pregnancy, a baby, and becoming this new sleep-deprived creature called 'Mommy'!), I'm so happy to share with you the new 'home' for Thee Girl in Yellow! If you were once following my Tumblr account, make sure to now follow me here at TheeGirlinYellow{.com}!... Follow along with me while I share bits and pieces of my life while also sharing chic, adorable, & affordable style finds! I can't wait to share more with you! Stay tuned!


Thee Girl in Yellow, Kasey

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