Dark Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins

Hi friends! It's been a minute since I've posted on here... What can I say, life has been busy these days! I hope you are all doing well and staying home {if you're able to} and safe during these crazy quarantine days.
It's still cold here {we've had a few nice days here and there}, but we've pretty much been quarantined inside... aka time to bake! We made a fresh batch of banana muffins for the week:: thanks to my sweet little helper, Karsyn! She loves to help me bake {and sample} everything in the kitchen... I love this muffin mix by Krusteauz. A simple mix to make:: we added dark chocolate chips and a little cinnamon. YUM. The kiddos love snackin’ on muffins and this is such an easy breakfast option! P.S. of course we added dark choc chips, because why not... Are you baking anything lately?!
-Thee Girl in Yellow, Kasey