Hello Third Trimester

Hi friends! I hope you all had a very merry Christmas! We sure did, and I think I need to sleep for the next three days straight to catch back up, ha!... I thought I would do a quick little pregnancy update on the blog. I haven't been nearly as good about updating and so forth for this pregnancy, because let's be honest, I'm freaking chasing a toddler around and life's kind of a zoo most days. I think you all can relate! I'm so happy to be in the third trimester though, and as much as I say that {and mean it}, it's also a little sad at how fast this pregnancy is flying by. Don't get me wrong, it's not easy being pregnant, but I am so grateful to be carrying this child of ours and I wish to never take this special feeling for granted.
I spend most of my day making sure that our sweet 21 month old busy bee of a daughter is taken care of, so I honestly don't have as much time this pregnancy to wonder what's going on with myself. I try to slow down, rest, and relax, but who am I kidding? That doesn't happen until our sweet girl is asleep for the night {usually around 7pm}. Toddler's are BUSY as we all know, and I just don't have the amount of time I did with our first pregnancy to constantly consume my brain with pregnancy thoughts. This is where my 'mom guilt' kicks in, but it is what it is! I love being a mommy, and I think that feeling guilty as a parent is just how sometimes parenting goes... One thing is for sure though, and I know I'm already so smitten with this baby #2 already!
On another note, I'm so happy that we are waiting to find out the gender at our delivery! The anticipation is most definitely building, and I'm going to be so happy to find out if we will be adding a little more pink to our household or blue for the first time! I already love this sweet baby so much, and as busy as I may be with {he or she's} big sister all day, I'm still in awe of every sweet little kick, jab, and poke that I get from inside my belly. This is truly a feeling that I hope to never forget.
So far for the third trimester: I am still craving anything and everything sour. I'm thirsty all day long. I'm actually starting to have some sciatic nerve/back pain, which I had my first pregnancy as well. Hoping that doesn't last long! And sleeping at night is becoming a bit more of a challenge. Other than that, I feel really well and am continuing to pray that this baby of ours stays safe and healthy throughout these next couple of weeks.
PS: I'm also sharing this cute faux fur look below! This vest is amazing, and I've linked it up from a few shops below. It's such a must! This faux fur piece is non-maternity, but fits great. It runs true to size, and I absolutely love the off-white color of this vest. It's gorgeous! Make sure to shop this adorable look with me below, these pieces would be perfect to wear for NYE! Happy shopping!
Faux Fur Vest: HERE
Faux Fur: Here
Cozy Vest: HERE
Faux Fur Vest: Here
Similar Sweater: Old Navy
Similar Cable Knit Sweater: Here
Leggings: Here
Cozy Leggings: Here
Flats: HERE
Cushioned Flats: Here
Bold Lip: HERE
Similar Bold Lipstick: Here
Thee Girl in Yellow, Kasey